Hair Range

 Hair today gone tomorrow, as you grow old you lose hair volume and that's a natural process, or is it?  

Take Karen here one of our co-founders at 65  does she look like she's losing volume No and that's because karen uses our shampoos and conditioners which contain the oils that keep you hair in super condition. 

Most shampoos and conditioners are simply synthetic chemicals and they strip the natural oils from the hair and weaken the roots so after years of using harsh chemicals, well you hair looks old.

But the good fortune is it all changes dramatically when you use our products ... and we don't take the Michel.  because contrary to what they want you to believe shampoos and shower gels are the same thing just different labels ..go on check them out.. turn the shampoos round in you supermarket or hair salon and compare them to what’s in your shower gel… the same ingredinacs …well we don’t do that we tell you the truth and they are both the same… so why not use one bottle for both ...Tip if you want to bring your hair back quickly use our bounce back hair oil a couple of times a week and watch it grow back looking healthy and with lots of volume 

100% plant natural ingredients even the preservative karen-hair.jpg


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