"What I use at 64 " By Karen

Karen Blackmore, Co-founder of Essentially Yours and Lead Developer of Natural Elements Skincare range, celebrates life at 64 this year...

"I'm often told 'your skin is amazing what do you use?' and even though I’ve been banging on about using ‘chemical free products’ for as long as I can remember,  finally I think the message has struck home in 2020. When we’re young, skin texture tends to appear much the same for all of us, it’s only as we age that there’s a noticeable difference. Most of us hang on to old habits, beauty routines and products, hiding our most natural asset with makeup because it’s quick and easy. We don’t change because this means we have to think about it and we don’t have time.

So if you’re looking for something NEW in your 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and beyond, try my personal selection of products i use on this page. Or! if your little skeptical (i was 20 years ago) then please let me send you a few samples?  If you can email me karen@naturalelementsskincare.com or call the office 01299 253 994 and provide your name and address details, together with your age and skin type and I’ll arrange to send you samples through the post. Change is a leap of faith and it requires trust, so stop wishing your skin looked great and let us help you look amazing for your age now. We don’t use or retain your details for anything other than sending you a FREE sample. We don't pass your details on to a third party.

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